I'm a certified Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique Practitioner (QHHT) Accredited Executive & Life Coach and Soul Speak Practitioner (The language of your body). I facilitate one to one QHHT sessions (Dolores Cannon Method) and Group Past Life Regression Workshops to those that are looking to explore various aspects of themselves through past life regression. I will help you connect and receive your own inner guidance from your higher self. I will also guide you to explore your other lifetimes in my quantum healing sessions which can help you clear lifetimes of karmic and energetic baggage, heal your body, let go of the past and move forward. I am passionate about helping people find peace, balance, joy and meaning in their life.
I too was seeking answers on my awakening journey which led me to Dolores Cannon's work and teachings through a very good friend of mine. I had a fantastic career in the Aviation Industry for just over 13 years which enabled me to travel the world and interact with people from many different cultures and backgrounds. I had a fairly abrupt ending to that career due to an injury I sustained while abroad which deemed me unfit to ever fly again. At that point I went right into a very deep dark night of the soul. My whole identity and life was turned upside down. I picked myself up and began carving a new path. I settled into a new career as an employment advisor & career coach working with the Department of Social Protection. I enjoyed this work immensely as I could serve people in a meaningful way each day.
I was fully immersed in Dolores Cannons books and teachings in 2019. After reading her book "The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth" I was resonating with the information coming through her clients in the book. I felt like I had come home in a sense. I had to know more. I trained in QHHT Level 1 in September of 2020 out of pure curiosity and desire for knowledge. I have been consistently practicing this technique since November 2020. I had my own QHHT session in December 2020 and I was blown away by the physical healing results and information coming through that led me to change my career and practice QHHT full time.
My Higher Self guided me to leap into my practice and to hold the space for others that are open and ready to have the same experience of self healing. I began Level 2 Practitioner Course in January 2021 and set up my own practice Quantum Healing Dublin in August that same year. I have enrolled in QHHT Level 3 Practitioner training and certification commencing this October 2024. I practice QHHT full time in Dublin at the Willow Rooms, Skerries, North County Dublin. I feel blessed to be able to carry on Dolores Cannons beautiful legacy and I look forward to working together should you book your QHHT session with me at Quantum Healing Dublin.
Company number: 676034
Email: emma@quantumhealingdublin.com
ADDRESS: The Willow Rooms,36B The Square,Town Parks, Skerries, Co.Dublin K34 E296
PHONE Number: 0852571830
Date: Sunday October 27th
Seats Available: 6
Time: 2pm-5pm
Duration: 3 Hours
Cost: € 60
Venue: The Willow Rooms, The Square, Skerries, Co. Dublin K34 E296