QHHT® , or Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, can provide a number of benefits for those who are open to exploring their inner self and past experiences. Here are some potential benefits of QHHT® :
Gain insight and clarity: Through accessing past experiences and emotions, QHHT® can provide valuable insight and clarity about one's life purpose, relationships, and personal growth.
Release emotional and physical blockages: By exploring past experiences and emotions, QHHT® can help identify and release any emotional or physical blockages that may be hindering one's personal growth and well-being.
Connect with higher self: QHHT® can help individuals connect with their higher self, which can provide guidance and wisdom to navigate life's challenges and obstacles.
Promote healing: By identifying and releasing emotional and physical blockages, QHHT® can promote healing and well-being, both emotionally and physically.
Expand consciousness: QHHT® can help individuals expand their consciousness and explore new perspectives and ways of thinking.
Emma Smith QHHT® Level 3 Practitioner- Session €400 (5 hours)
QHHT Sessions can cost anywhere from €300 upward depending on geographical location and the level of experience of the practitioner. Please visit Find a Practitioner | QHHT Official Website to search for a practitioner in your area and to read up on the difference between the level of experience of your practitioner.
Around 5 hours. You will be "under" for no more than 2 hours. However the QHHT® technique requires an interview/discussion at the start. The interview will be a minimum of 2 hours as well as a review at the end for 30 minutes. It sounds like a very long day but time does go very fast on the day.
Dolores Cannon designed QHHT® so that you can get all you need in a single session. However you're welcome to come back for another session any time. There is a returning clients and QHHT practitioners discount available to book through my website.
Try to avoid avoid drinking any caffeinated drinks or alcohol the morning off the session if possible. You should have a good breakfast with enough protein to keep you full for the session. If you are on medication that needs to be taken during the time we are working together, then please bring it with you.
If you do not already, doing some brief meditations will help you to prepare to go into deep relaxation.
Following the regression, it is a good idea to set some time aside to process the experience and let your energy settle.
No, your session from the interview through the hypnosis session is private. If you are dropped off by someone, please make arrangements for them to pick you up after the session and let them know the timeframe - 5 hours.
No, QHHT® sessions need to be provided in person.
Completely. Hypnosis is a non-intrusive technique where YOU are always in control. There are many myths surrounding hypnosis, including the idea that people in a hypnotic state may act against their will or reveal private information. The hypnotic state is more like a vivid daydream, where you remain in control.
Some people seem to remember some but not all of the session. The audio of your session will be recorded and sent to you so you can listen to it many times. When you come out of the hypnotic state, you will likely remember most of your hypnotic experience, but just like a dream, parts of your session will fade from your memory. It is important to listen to your session many times during the first weeks and months after the session. All QHHT® and Past Life Regression services are recorded at no additional charge.
You can ask any questions related to your health, life purpose, relationships, money, career etc. No question is off limits, your Higher Self will bring forth the most beneficial and appropriate answers to your questions to help you on your path right now. I will email each client a sample list of questions before the session. Please make these questions your own and personal to you for deeper understanding.
Company number: 676034
Email: emma@quantumhealingdublin.com
Service Address: D9 Therapy, 307a Swords Road, Whitehall, Dublin 9,D09 YWX6
PHONE Number: 0852571830
Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey as a QHHT® Practitioner? Enrol in Level 1 Online Class today and save 10% when you use code "Spread Love" at the checkout.